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How to apply condition on child xpath from parent xpath

I wanted to click on the "waved off" button (child node) if status is "Pending" (parent node).

Then what will be the xpath in protractor ?

I've founded root xpath of waved off button but I'm not getting how to use that in coding.

if I approve first tr tag then it goes down and 2nd tr tag comes on top if it's pending. There are total 5 tr tags in my code. and all tr tags are not fixed on their position. whenever I run my script I get pending tr tags on top .

    <p> required </p>
    <p> Pending </p>
      <img>     </img>
        <div>       </div>
        <div>       </div>
        <button> View Remark </button>
        <button> Waved off </button>
    <p> required </p>
    <p> Pending </p>
      <img>     </img>
        <div>       </div>
        <div>       </div>
        <button> View Remark </button>
        <button> Waved off </button>


  • It would be something like:

    //p[contains(text(), 'Pending')]/parent::td/following-sibling::*/descendant::*/button[contains(text(),'Waved off')]

    Going forward please include the whole <table> tag contents into your question, the chance of getting more accurate advice will be much higher

    enter image description here
