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creating a github issue in

I am trying to write a script that will open an issue typed in the console.

For some reason the issue variable comes back empty in the debugger.

class Program
    public async static Task Main()
        var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("test-app"));
        var user = await client.User.Get("medic17");
        var tokenAuth = new Credentials(APIKeys.GithubPersinalAccessToken);
        client.Credentials = tokenAuth;

        var exampleIssue = new NewIssue("test body");
        var issue = await client.Issue.Create("owner","name", exampleIssue);


APIKeys holds my token.



  • I found a solution hope this helps someone else as well.

    class Program
        public async static Task Main()
            // client initialization and authentication 
            var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("<anything>"));
            var user = await client.User.Get("<user>");
            var tokenAuth = new Credentials(APIKeys.GithubPersinalAccessToken);
            client.Credentials = tokenAuth;
            // user input
            Console.WriteLine("Give a title for your issue: ");
            string userIssueTitle = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
            Console.WriteLine("Describe your issue:", Environment.NewLine);
            string userIssue = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
            // input validation
            while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIssue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIssueTitle))
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Both fields must contain text");
            var newIssue = new NewIssue(userIssueTitle) { Body = userIssue };
            var issue = await client.Issue.Create(<owner>, <repo> newIssue);
            var issueId = issue.Id;
            Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS: your issue id is {issueId} ");

    Note You need to store your keys in a separate file and write a class for it so your authentication flow might be different.

    Note 2 You must replace all text with real values.