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How can I get my bigrams to actually print? I get an error: TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, list found

I am trying to print the bigrams for a text in Python 3.5. The text is already pre-processed and split into individual words.

I tried two different ways (shown below), neither work.

The first:


This outputs:

< generator object ngrams at 0x0B4F9E70>

The second is:

bigrm = list(nltk.bigrams(ninety_seven))
print(*map(' '.join, bigrm), sep=', ')

This outputs:

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, list found

df.loc[97] is [car, chip, indication, posted, flight, post, flight]

I want it to print as:

car chip, chip indication, indication posted, posted flight, flight post, post flight


  • Try this:

    >>> ninety_seven=df.loc[97].loc['FSR Narrative']
    >>> nine_bi=ngrams(ninety_seven,2)
    >>> print(nine_bi)
    <generator object ngrams at 0x7f879020f308>
    >>> print([" ".join(t) for t in nine_bi])
    ['car chip', 'chip indication', 'indication posted', 'posted flight', 'flight post', 'post flight']

    Here is a simple example:

    >>> from nltk import ngrams
    >>> test = ['car', 'chip', 'indication', 'posted', 'flight', 'post', 'flight']
    >>> nine_bi=ngrams(test,2)
    >>> print(nine_bi)
    <generator object ngrams at 0x7f879020f308>
    >>> print([" ".join(t) for t in nine_bi])
    ['car chip', 'chip indication', 'indication posted', 'posted flight', 'flight post', 'post flight']