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Dataweave - Trying to write END_DOCUMENT when document has no root

I have an Application/Java ArrayList. That contains XML elements in String format. I want to add to a main/root node with Dataweave 2:

%dw 2.0
output application/xml
shops: write(, "application/xml")

But it returns:

Caused by: Trying to write END_DOCUMENT when document has no root (ie. trying to output empty document)

How can I solved that? I tried with application/java but still failing, the problem is into the write() method trying to transform the array to XML.


  • What does the has? Most commonly for xml building you need to use the dynamic object feature.

     %dw 2.0
    output application/xml
    ns ns0 http://example/catalog/2002-13-23
    var shops = ["data example","data example2","data example123","data example345","data example56"]
        ns0#shops @("shops-id": "demo"): {
            (shops map (shopName) -> {
                ns0#shop: shopName     

    This script outputs

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <ns0:shops xmlns:ns0="http://example/catalog/2002-13-23" shops-id="demo">
      <ns0:shop>data example</ns0:shop>
      <ns0:shop>data example2</ns0:shop>
      <ns0:shop>data example123</ns0:shop>
      <ns0:shop>data example345</ns0:shop>
      <ns0:shop>data example56</ns0:shop>