why fill the table sideways? I want to go down, help plis :D
public function cetak_inbound($id){
$pdf = new FPDF('L','mm','A4');
$Y_Fields_Name_position = 15;
$cetakinb = $this->M_inbound->cetak_inbound($id);
foreach ($cetakinb->result() as $row){
public function cetak_inbound($id){
$hasil=$this->db->query("SELECT nama_cs,kd_inbound,tgl_inbound,reciver_name,inbound.status FROM inbound INNER JOIN inbound_detail ON inbound.id_inbound=inbound_detail.id_inbound INNER JOIN service ON service.id_service=inbound_detail.id_service INNER JOIN customers ON customers.id_cs=service.id_cs WHERE inbound.id_inbound='$id'");
return $hasil;
You could simply add $pdf->Ln()
on each of the last column like this :
public function cetak_inbound($id){
$pdf = new FPDF('L','mm','A4');
$Y_Fields_Name_position = 15;
$cetakinb = $this->M_inbound->cetak_inbound($id);
foreach ($cetakinb->result() as $row){