Format of the string (x,y,z are the variables that will vary every time)
ID:x Levely-z
An example for the string will be ID:1 Level3-Super user
x = 1
y = 3
z = Super user
Is there any methods not to use explode() recursively to check whether the input string has this format?
//check if missing 'ID' word on heading then return error
if(count(explode(" ",$string)) == 2){
//check id
if(count(explode(":",(explode(" ",$string)[0]))) == 2){
id=explode(":",(explode(" ",$string)[0]))[1];
//check the rest
if(count(explode("-",explode(" ",$string)[1]))==2){
//remove strings 'Level' to get the level number
$level=mb_substr(explode("-",explode(" ",$string)[1])[0],2,2,"UTF-8");
} else {
array_push($error_msg,'Wrong format!');
} else {
array_push($error_msg,'Wrong format!');
} else {
array_push($error_msg,'Wrong format!');
How do I use preg_match for this? All of the variables will have unknown length
You can use preg_match to check a string's format. For example, the following regex:
ID:[0-9] Level[0-9]-.*
Should match
ID:1 Level3-Super User