I have a class that looks like this:
ACCEPT = "X-Accept"
DECLINE = "X-Decline"
To get all the variable names out of the class I can do something along the lines of:
members = [
attr for attr in dir(HTTP_HEADER)
if not callable(getattr(HTTP_HEADER, attr))
and not attr.startswith("__")
This will return a list of variable names, like so:
Now what I want to do, is get the values of those variables into a list. For example the output should be:
["X-Accept", "X-Decline"]
How can I do this successfully?
If you have this:
ACCEPT = "X-Accept"
DECLINE = "X-Decline"
names = ["ACCEPT", "DECLINE"]
Getting the values is simply a matter of
values = [getattr(HTTP_HEADER, name) for name in names]
I think a dictionary is more appropriate though, and it can be done with minimal change to your original code:
members = {
k: v for k, v in vars(HTTP_HEADER).items()
if not callable(v)
and not k.startswith("__")
which gives
{'ACCEPT': 'X-Accept', 'DECLINE': 'X-Decline'}