I am using a Windows 10 Enterprise edition system. I have installed version: 17.03.1-ce-rc1-win3 (10625) Channel: edge . The Docker machine was working fine until a few days back. Few days back I had disable Hyper-V in my system to use Oracle Virtual box to use Kubernetes and as a fact when hyper-V is disabled Docker won't run so I turned it back on and now it's crashing all the time and I am getting the below error.
[16:24:15.562][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Docker hv-sock proxy (vsudd) is not reachable at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.ConnectToVsud(TaskCompletionSource`1 vmId)
at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.DoStart(Settings settings)
at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.Start(Settings settings)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<Register>b__0(Object[] parameters)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.RunAction(String action, Object[] parameters)
[16:24:15.599][CrashReport ][Info ] Preparing package to send with the diagnostics
I uninstalled and installed Docker again but no vain and still getting error.
After a lot of tries with different combination the below final steps took care of my issue and my docker is running again.
Steps taken to resolve the issue :-
The above steps may sound lame but it worked.