I am trying to create a hash table to use as the body to POST to a rest API. The documentation listed the format for the JSON should be in, but having some formatting problems when using ConvertTo-Json
in PowerShell.
Some of the values in JSON cannot be in quotes, and some need to be in quotes. I can get static values to output without quotes using $($value)
, but this does not work the same when the value is an existing variable.
does not remove quotes on variables from JSON output like it does on static values.
Current hash table:
$starttime = "1565787600000" #Converted to EPOCH
$endtime = "1597410000000" #Converted to EPOCH
$body = @{}
$body.documentName = "Test.txt"
$body.accessList = @{}
$body.accessList.email = "test@email.com"
$body.accessList.startTime = $starttime # <--cannot have quotes in json
$body.accessList.endTime = $endtime # <--cannot have quotes in json
$bodyJson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2
"documentName": "Test.txt",
"accessList": {
"email": "test@email.com",
"endTime": "1597410000000", <--cannot have quotes
"startTime": "1565787600000" <--cannot have quotes
Desired output:
"documentName": "Test.txt",
"accessList": {
"email": "test@email.com",
"endTime": 1597410000000, <--no quotes
"startTime": 1565787600000 <--no quotes
Your POSIX timestamps are defined as strings. You need to either define them as integers
$starttime = 1565787600000
$endtime = 1597410000000
or turn the strings into integers before converting your data structure to JSON.
$starttime = "1565787600000"
$endtime = "1597410000000"
$body.accessList.startTime = [int64]$starttime
$body.accessList.endTime = [int64]$endtime