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How to fix 'Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21' when submitting to App Store

I can't upload an archived version of my project to App Store Connect as I get the error 'Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21'.

I've already tried other suggestions, like checking the 'Copy Bundle Resources' build phase for any frameworks, but it's clean. I've also seen a Podfile extension that says it will fix it, but my dependency manager is Carthage, so I'm unable to use it.

2019-08-13 22:21:51 +0000  Failed to generate distribution items with error: Error Domain=DVTMachOErrorDomain Code=0 "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=}


  • Turns out I had a static framework in my input.xcfilelist and output.xcfilelist. I just removed it and everything built fine!