I am running the following query to obtain translations for the English word "father" on this public endpoint:
PREFIX dbnary: <http://kaiko.getalp.org/dbnary#>
select distinct ?l ?written where
dbnary-eng:father dbnary:describes ?le .
?t dbnary:isTranslationOf ?le .
?t dbnary:targetLanguage ?l .
?t dbnary:writtenForm ?written .
Among the strings returned, I can also find the Chinese translation "爸爸". When I try to reverse the query, I do not receive any result for Chinese words (it works for other languages):
PREFIX dbnary: <http://kaiko.getalp.org/dbnary#>
select distinct ?c where
?c dbnary:describes ?le .
?t dbnary:isTranslationOf ?le .
?t dbnary:targetLanguage ?l .
?t dbnary:writtenForm "爸爸" .
What am I doing wrong?
As Stanislav Kralin correctly points out, the reason for the query not working is the missing language annotation. The correct query formulation is as follows:
PREFIX dbnary: <http://kaiko.getalp.org/dbnary#>
select distinct ?c where
?c dbnary:describes ?le .
?t dbnary:isTranslationOf ?le .
?t dbnary:targetLanguage ?l .
{?t dbnary:writtenForm "爸爸"@yue .}
UNION {?t dbnary:writtenForm "爸爸"@cmn .}