referred to this link: Hide footer on keyboard open Ionic3
But then also issue is the same
Issue is same as in above image.... I have just added button in footer...
.html file
<textarea placeholder="Please leave your review"></textarea>
<ion-button (click)="submit()">Submit</ion-button>
So, When click on textarea, keyboard opens and the buttons appears to be above the keyboard.
I want whenever the keyboard opens.....the footer get hide.
Step:1 You need to install native keyboard plugin for using keyboard methods. You can install it from here.
Step:2 Then import it in your page.ts file like this
import { Keyboard } from '@ionic-native/keyboard/ngx';
Step:3 Then put it in the providers under @Component as
providers: [Keyboard]
Step:4 After that , make a constructor for keyboard in your class in constructor section. Repeat same step 2-4 in your app.component.ts file
constructor(public keyboard:Keyboard) {
Step:5 Then take a variable to default hide keyboard on load of the page as in your class:
Step:6 After that, all you need to call default methods of keyboard in ionWillEnter method and on show put the variable value as false for showing keyboard.
ionViewWillEnter() {
// console.log('SHOWK');
// console.log('HIDEK');
Step:7 Hide and show bottom div or footer accordingly.
<div class="" *ngIf="isKeyboardHide">
//// OR FOR FOOTER ////
<ion-footer *ngIf="isKeyboardHide">