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NFData instance for the Coyoneda type

I have a Haskell project that uses fmap on data structures very intensively. In order to avoid traversing the same data structure again and again, while retaining the possibility to use fmap liberally, I decided to use the Coyoneda-type to guard some of the bigger structures.

The Coyoneda type has constructor Coyoneda :: (x -> y) -> f x -> Coyoneda f y. The idea is that by parametricity, more precisely by the co-Yoneda lemma, the types f a and Coyoneda f a are isomorphic, but the advantage of the Coyoneda type is that it postpones the actual structure traversal.

For example, in the following code, the first expression traverses the underlying structure 3 times, and the second one only once:

fmap k $ fmap h $ fmap g $ (x :: f a)
lowerCoyoneda $ fmap k $ fmap h $ fmap g $ liftCoyoneda $ (x :: f a)

Indeed, the second line reduces as follows:

lowerCoyoneda $ fmap k $ fmap h $ fmap g $ liftCoyoneda $ x
lowerCoyoneda $ fmap k $ fmap h $ fmap g $ Coyoneda id x
lowerCoyoneda $ fmap k $ fmap h $ Coyoneda g x
lowerCoyoneda $ fmap k $ Coyoneda (h . g) x
lowerCoyoneda $ Coyoneda (k . h . g) x
fmap (k . h . g) x

so it effectively postpones the actual structure traversal until you apply lowerCoyoneda.

This had a massive impact on time and a big impact on space performance, but I am still not satisfied. For this reason, I want to start using deepseq (or similar) as (indirectly) provided by the NFData typeclass. So I want to implement NFData for my functors, which now have Coyoneda-guards in their definitions.

The trouble is that reducing lambdas to normal form doesn't shrink the size of the data in their closure.

Mathematically, it would be sound to simply reduce Coyoneda g x to Coyoneda id (fmap g x). I am wondering if there is some unsafe hack - some sort of runtime rewrite rule - to implement this. Other solutions are also appreciated.


  • Yes, you can do something like that, and yes, it's kind of ugly.

    module Data.Functor.Coyoneda.NF where
    import qualified Data.Functor.Coyoneda as S
    import Data.IORef
    import Control.DeepSeq
    import System.IO.Unsafe
    import Control.Exception
    newtype Coyoneda f a =
      UnsafeCoyonedaFromRef {unsafeCoyonedaToRef :: IORef (S.Coyoneda f a)}
    newCoyonedaIO :: S.Coyoneda f a -> IO (Coyoneda f a)
    newCoyonedaIO c = UnsafeCoyonedaFromRef <$> newIORef c
    newCoyoneda :: S.Coyoneda f a -> Coyoneda f a
    newCoyoneda = unsafePerformIO . newCoyonedaIO
    unsafeReadCoyonedaIO :: Coyoneda f a -> IO (S.Coyoneda f a)
    unsafeReadCoyonedaIO (UnsafeCoyonedaFromRef ref) = readIORef ref
    unsafeReadCoyoneda :: Coyoneda f a -> S.Coyoneda f a
    unsafeReadCoyoneda = unsafePerformIO . unsafeReadCoyonedaIO
    {-| `fmap` happens under the reference, but does NOT traverse `f`. -}
    instance Functor (Coyoneda f) where
      fmap f c = unsafePerformIO $ do
        q <- unsafeReadCoyonedaIO c
        newCoyonedaIO $ fmap f q
    instance (Functor f, NFData (f a)) => NFData (Coyoneda f a) where
      rnf (UnsafeCoyonedaFromRef ref) = unsafePerformIO $ do
        co <- readIORef ref
        let fx = S.lowerCoyoneda co
        -- We use evaluate because we want to be really sure the reduction to NF
        -- succeeds and we don't install bottom in the IORef.
        evaluate (rnf fx)
        writeIORef ref (S.liftCoyoneda fx)
    liftCoyoneda :: f a -> Coyoneda f a
    liftCoyoneda = newCoyoneda . S.liftCoyoneda
    lowerCoyoneda :: Functor f => Coyoneda f a -> f a
    lowerCoyoneda = S.lowerCoyoneda . unsafeReadCoyoneda

    What makes unsafeReadCoyoneda "unsafe"? It subtly breaks referential transparency. If someone can extract the wrapped f a, then they may be able to do something like traverse the value, forcing the supposedly hidden elements. Or if f has a somewhat bogus fmap that changes its structure then it's possible to observe a change from supposedly pure code (ouch).