I really need some punch. I do have fully setup and running project. Django, nginx, supervisor, uwsgi - emperor with touch reload enabled.
# {{ ansible_managed }}
Description=uWSGI Emperor service
ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'mkdir -p /run/uwsgi; chown {{ deploy_user }}:{{ deploy_group }} /run/uwsgi'
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '{{ uwsgi_path }}/uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals'
# {{ ansible_managed }}
project = {{ project_name }}
uid = {{ deploy_user }}
gid = {{ deploy_group }}
base = /home/%(uid)
chdir = %(base)/www/{{ project_url }}/%(project)
home = %(base)/.pyenv/versions/%(project)
module = config.wsgi
;logto = /tmp/uwsgi.log
master = true
processes = 10
harakiri = 30
socket = /run/uwsgi/%(project).sock
chown-socket = %(uid):%(gid)
chmod-socket = 660
vacuum = true
touch-reload = {{ project_path }}/{{ project_name }}.touch
;todo version for prod
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.{{ version }}
when I make changes and touch file, it reloads everything as should, project running perfectly.
But I do have an issue with .env file.
django settings.py
import environ
env = environ.Env(
# set casting, default value
DEBUG=(bool, False)
# reading .env file
If I change something in .env file and upload it to the server, touch wsgi file, it does not reflect changes in .env file. If I call manuall 'service uwsgi.project restart' it loads new file content.
The question: Do I missed something in config? How can I force uwsgi to reload .env file content when touch the file.
Thank you
so the answer is not to use django-environ
django-environ: ... strings from os.environ are loaded from a .env file and filled in os.environ with setdefault method, to avoid to overwrite the real environ.
and here is the trick, if your code already set some env variable, it won't be updated on uwsgi reload, to do so, you have to restart whole service -> this is no go with zero downtime deployment nor with touch-reload.
Using python-dotenv
you are able to override this behaviour and update your envs on each reload, it works even with django dev server.
Happy coding guys!