I am looking for a constraint that will force an array of variables to take the values from a specific set or Array
My constants are: An array of arrays (or array of sets) that are known (calculated using python script)
My decision variables are 3 arrays
I have a constraint: The decision variables should take one of the arrays of the constant array of arrays
array [int] of set of int: possible_set;
possible_set= [{1,2,3},
%decision variables
array[1..3] of var 1..9: loc1;
constraint loc1 subset possible_set;
%The expected result is the loc1 will be one of the sets {1,2,3},
% {4,5,6},
% {3,5,7},
% {7,8,9}
however, I am getting an error :
MiniZinc: type error: type error in operator application for
. No matching operator found with left-hand side typearray[int] of var int' and right-hand side type
array[int] of set of int` Process finished with non-zero exit code 1
The reason you get an error is that possible_set
is not a set, but an array of sets.
I think you better reformulate the model a bit. Here's a variant which seems to do what you want. My changes are the lines marked hakank
array [int] of set of int: possible_set;
possible_set= [{1,2,3},
%decision variables
%% array[1..3] of var 1..9: loc1; % ORIGINAL
var set of 1..9: loc1_set; % hakank
var 1..4: loc1; % index of the set that's selected.
% constraint loc1 subset possible_set; %% ORIGINAL
constraint loc1_set = possible_set[loc1]; % hakank: set loc1_set to the loc1'th set
solve satisfy;
There are four solutions (as expected):
loc1_set = 1..3;
loc1 = 1;
loc1_set = 4..6;
loc1 = 2;
loc1_set = {3,5,7};
loc1 = 3;
loc1_set = 7..9;
loc1 = 4;