I have a Service that communicates via AIDL. I have successfully created a callback interface and use a class that implements Parcelable.
I want to have the Parcelable contain a reference to the Interface defined in the AIDL file but I get the error that my callback class can't be converted to Parcelable. "incompatible types: ICallback cannot be converted to Parcelable"
My Parcelable looks like this
class Foo implements Parcelable {
String someString;
ICallback callback;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable(callback, flags); //doesn't work
The AIDL for the service has a method like:
void register(Foo[] someFoos);
My understanding is that your ICallback
is a Binder interface, so you have a declaration of the form interface ICallback { ... }
in some AIDL file.
In this case, you can write it to a Parcel
using parcel.writeStrongBinder(callback.asBinder())
or with the convenience method parcel.writeStrongInterface(callback);
. On the receiving end, it can be retrieved with:
callback = ICallback.Stub.asInterface(parcel.readStrongBinder());
API Reference:
Examples from Android Framework:
: writeStrongInterface / readStrongBinder
: writeStrongBinder /