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STM32F7-Is there a way to synchronize the output of two different timers in output compare mode?

My processor is an STM32F746ZGT6 and I wish to use TCD132DG, so I need to generate two synchronous clock pulses with different frequencies (One of them is 2 MHz and the other one is 500 KHz) so I used two different timers in output compare mode. The problem is that these two pulses have phase shift. In the Datasheet of TCD132DG the maximum allowed time shift is 60ns while the pulses have 240ns time shift.

Thanks, Amir Reza


  • Set up the timers in a master-slave configuration so that enabling one timer starts the other. For example,

    • Configure TIM1 master mode to send its Enable as trigger output (MMS=001 in the TIM3->CR2 register).
    • Configure TIM2 to get the input trigger from TIM1 (TS=000 in the TIM2->SMCR register).
    • Configure TIM2 in trigger mode (SMS=110 in the TIM2->SMCR register).
    • Now setting the CEN bit of TIM1->CR1 should start both timers at once.