I'm converting some worddocuments (docx) with docx4j 6.1.2 and docx4j-export-fo 8.1.2 (apache FOP 2.3) to PDF with Java 11 like this:
// Load File
var wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(wordDocument.getInputStream());
// Convert to PDF
var out = new FastByteArrayOutputStream();
Docx4J.toPDF(wordMLPackage, out);
return new ByteArrayResource(out.toByteArray());
In all paragraphs in the generated PDF there is a formatting issue I can't get a grip on. The following image shows a section from the docx in word.
The next image shows the section from the pdf file.
Any ideas?
Edit 1:
The docx File is here: https://filebin.net/cux9s1p5ufm1vgul.
works ok.
It seems the problem is white-space-collapse="false" white-space-treatment="preserve" introduced by https://github.com/plutext/docx4j-export-FO/commit/4451111aa02a698ed54788299513f7eac74bd996#diff-eeb9c00a64479f4ff29769e29a6a0cd7R455