I want to develop a function that:
Asks for text input.
Makes a query formula on a determined cell (AND includes the input text).
Flattens the query (or copypastes the data as values).
I am having trouble with the second step because I can't use "" quotes two times and "text" is not being detected as a variable. Is this even possible? If so, do you have any ideas how to make it work?
function queryProviderData() {
//Ask for text input.
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var result = ui.prompt(
'¡Carguemos la información!',
'Ingresa el nombre del proveedor:',
//Process the user's response.
var button = result.getSelectedButton();
var text = result.getResponseText();
if (button == ui.Button.OK) {
// User clicked "OK".
ui.alert('El nombre del proveedor es ' + text + '.');
} else if (button == ui.Button.CANCEL) {
// User clicked "Cancel".
ui.alert('No entendí la información.');
} else if (button == ui.Button.CLOSE) {
// User clicked X in the title bar.
ui.alert('Cerraste el diálogo.');
//Make query including text input.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('SheetB');
var cell = sheet.getRange("A1");
cell.setFormula("=QUERY('Sheet1'!A1:H67;\"SELECT * where H= "text"; -1)");
Running this function I am getting this error message:
"Missing ) after argument list. (line 73, file "Buttons")Dismiss."
It's possible!
Javascript allows " " and ' ' (double and single quotes) for a string, so you could use either and incorporate one of them into the string.
Furthermore, you could use the backslash character to treat the quote as a character instead of the string termination.
So you could do:
H= ' "+text+" ';
H = "\"+text+\"";
Let me know if you need anything else!