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Glicko-2 implementation in R, where to find?

I am looking for an R implemention of the excellent Glicko-2 algorithm of Mark Glickman. Thusfar I found this one. Although this is a very nice piece of code I am particularly looking for a code that is able to deal with large data frames with match scores (meaning that it is capable of ranking all the players in the data frame in one go). A bit like the way the PlayerRatings package does the trick with e.g. Elo, Glicko. Unfortenately this package doesn't haven an implementation of the Glicko-2 algorithm.

Does anyone have an idea?


  • Glicko2 and few other algorithms are available in R package sport. Possible for two-player and multi-player matchups. Available on cran and github. Vignette included, standarized syntax, supported by C++.

    Quick snippet

    # install.packages("sport")
    glicko2 <- glicko2_run(formula = rank|id ~ rider, data = gpheats)
    # computation results