I have a panda Data-Frame of tweets called "labelled_data" which includes 'tweep_username', 'tweetcreated_at'(which is time) and 'label'
I wanna group them by 'tweep_username' and 'tweetcreated_at'(by week) and then take mean of 'labels'. Then I wanna take these obtained means and just group them by 'tweetcreated_at'(by week) and then plot a continuous frequency distribution out of them.
Meaning that I want to have separate frequency distributions on means of 'labels' obtained in the first part, for each week
I have tried this code:
labelled_data['tweetcreated_at'] = pd.to_datetime(labelled_data['tweetcreated_at'], errors='coerce')
s=labelled_data.groupby(['tweep_username',pd.Grouper(key='tweetcreated_at', freq='W')])['label'].mean()..set_index('tweetcreated_at').resample('W')
and received the following error:
'Series' object has no attribute 'toordinal'
I solved it this way:
labelled_data.groupby(['tweep_username',pd.Grouper(key='tweetcreated_at', freq='W')])['label'].mean().reset_index().groupby('tweetcreated_at')['label'].plot(kind='density', legend=True)