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Many-to-Many version of a slick extension method

The slick docs show how to create an Extensions implicit to get relationships between tables:

implicit class PersonExtensions[C[_]](q: Query[People, Person, C]) {
  // specify mapping of relationship to address
  def withAddress = q.join(addresses).on(_.addressId ===

How can you create a withAddresses using a Many-to-Many table, instead of a single relationship?

Eg I'd like to be able to do similar to the following, which is a plural version of the singular example in the linked docs:

val chrisQuery: Query[People,Person,Seq] = people.filter( === 2)
val addressesQuery: Query[Addresses,Address,Seq] =
val addresses =

using some Mapping table eg PersonAddresses


  • You just have to define the double type from where the Extensions starts, this being the union tuple, example:

     implicit class PersonExtensions[C[_]](q: Query[(People, Addresses), (Person, Address), C]) {
        def withCities = for {
          (people, address) <- q
          city <- Cities if address.cityCode === city.code
        } yield (people, address, city)

    Then you could ask something like:

      val addressesWithCitiesQuery = addressesQuery.withCities
      val addressesWithCities =

    This is based on the pimp my library but set to Slick ... where the input is the value to extend, you can see more in this post: