I really like Julia's Digits function which will return an array of the individual digits that make up the input integer (See code example). My question is, once you have this array, is there an easy way to join the individual values back into the original value passed into digits?
Now, I suppose I could just take each integer's index value and multiply by it's corresponding power of 10 and modify the array in place. Then I could use sum on the array, but is there a better way to do it?
function getDigits(x)
return digits(x)
Julia> getDigits(1234)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
function joinDigits(digitArray)
for i in 0:length(digitArray)-1
digitArray[i+1] = digitArray[i+1] * 10 ^ i
return sum(digitArray)
Julia> joinDigits([4,3,2,1])
foldr((rest, msd) -> rest + 10*msd,x)
is a one liner that does the same thing. It's terse, but probably not as clean as the for loop.