I have a very light Linux OS that does not have any compiler on it. How can I install gcc or g++ on it? The target hardware is an armv7-a processor. Can I compile gcc on my x86 system and then install it on my armv7 Linux??
Yes, you can compile your code on your x86 device and then export it to your arm device. But for this, you need a special compiler. This process is called "cross-compilation", where you compile a code for a special target device on an other device.
For arm devices, the one I used was the "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" compiler.
Once installed, you can use it just like your casual gcc compiler. For example, on linux, it would be something like this :
$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o your_program your_program.c
You then export the compiled output to your device, and it should work.