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Determining (de)selected checkbox in a checkedListBox as they are selected

I'm looking to setup a checkedListBox in C#. There will be roughly 50 names displayed in this checkedListBox. I'd like it so that when a name is either selected or deselected, then the program will be able to store it in a variable.

I already have the code so that when a button is pressed, it searches through all off the names in the checkedListBox and returns all those with the selected state:

for (int i = 0; i < nameBox.CheckedItems.Count; i++)

I know that in Java I can use the e.getStateChange() to determine which item has either been selected or deselected:

public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 
        if(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              ArrayList = checkbox.getText();

Is there anything similar to this Java code that I can use in C# for the checkedListBox?

Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated!


  • Building on the comment and the link, which has all you need in the example:

    In your form add the private variable, such as a List:

     public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
          private System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox checkedListBox1;
          private List<string> extraVariable;

    then in your constructor or wherever you initialize the checkList, also initialize your extra variable:

          public Form1()
             extraVariable = new List<string>();

    Then add your ItemChecked event, where you Add or Remove from your extra variable:

          private void checkedListBox1_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)