I am getting different behaviors in the bindind model with enum and I can't get the correct value when passing information that is out of the enumeration limit.
I have a TestEnum enumeration containing Test1 = 1, Test2 = 2, Test3 = 3.
In [HttpPost]
or [HttpPut]
using [FromBody]
, my DTO object correctly receives the enumeration value, even when I pass a different value like 5 for example.
However, in a Get/Put using [FromRoute]
, my DTO object correctly receives enumeration when the entered values are within the enumeration limit (1, 2, or 3).
If I pass 5, the value of the enumerator becomes zero, unlike [FromBody]
which can receive the value 5 normally even though it is outside of the coded Test1, Test2, and Test3.
public enum TestEnum
Test1 = 1,
Test2 = 2,
Test3 = 3
It perfectly receives the values even being outside the enumeration limit.
public async Task<ActionResult<NotificationResult>> Post([FromBody]TestCommand command)
Here, in [FromRoute]
and [FromBody]
values are perfectly received when they are within the enumeration boundary.
When out of range, [FromRoute]
gets zero and [FromBody]
gets 5.
public async Task<ActionResult<NotificationResult>> Put([FromRoute]TestEnum id, [FromBody]TestCommand command)
Here, in [FromRoute]
values are perfectly received when they are within the enumeration boundary.
When out of range, [FromRoute]
gets zero.
public async Task<ActionResult<TestQueryResult>> GetById([FromRoute]TestEnum id)
I would like to receive the value even if it is outside the encoded limit in enumeration.
The default value of options SuppressBindingUndefinedValueToEnumType is true after .net core 2.1. So you need to change like below:
Problem solved. Now it works.