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Common Builder base instance for a class hierarchy using Lombok

I have a class hierarchy with a single abstract base class and several child classes. The base class has ~25 fields and each child has an additional number 0-8 fields.

I would like to use the Builder pattern to construct each child instance and I'd like to use Lombok as much as possible to keep the code concise. Following this suggestion I have the code as below:

public abstract class Base {
   private int b1, b2, ... , b25;

public class C1 extends Base {
   private int c11, c12, ... , c16;

   private C1(int b1, int b2, ..., int b25, int c11, ... int c16) {
       super(b1, b2, ...., b25);
       this.c11 = c11;
       this.c16 = c16;

public class C2 extends Base {

   private C2(int b1, int b2, ..., int b25) {
       super(b1, b2, ...., b25);

This makes it easy to construct the child classes as

C1 c1 = C1.builder().b1(1).b2(2)....b25(25).c11(101).c12(102).build();
C2 c2 = C2.builder().b1(1).b2(2)....b25(25).build();

The problem is that the the .b1().b2()... chained calls are repeated every time any child class is created.

Ideally, I want a common way to set the B values regardless of which child class is being built. (Let's assume there's another class called BValuesProvider that can supply those values)

public void setBValues(BValuesProvider bv, // what else goes here??? //) {
    // something.b1(bv.b1()).b2(bv.b2()) ...

public createC1(BValuesProvider bv, c11, c12, ..., c16) {
    C1.Builder c1b = C1.builder().c11(c11).c12(c12)....c16(c16);
    // Call setBValues somehow

public createC2(BValuesProvider bv) {
    // Call setBValues somehow

My current solution has been to attach the @Data annotation to the base class to expose setters/getters so my code looks like this:

public void setBValues(BValuesProvider bv, Base cx) {

public createC1(BValuesProvider bv, c11, c12, ..., c16) {
    C1 c1 = C1.builder().c11(c11).c12(c12)....c16(c16).build();
    setBValues(bv, c1);
    return c1;

public createC2(BValuesProvider bv) {
    C2 c2 = C2.builder().build();
    setBValues(bv, c2);
    return c2;


  • Is there a better way to do this? Specifically, I feel that first building a child class (fully) and then calling setBxx() functions on it seems like a bad pattern. Exposing the setters itself makes the class quite mutable.

  • There have been other questions on SO about builders/inheritance

    However none of them talk about having a "base builder" that each child builder is a sub-class of. So, I can't figure out using generics, what the second argument to the setBValues function should be.

  • I also tried Lombok's @Superbuilder annotation but again, while it greatly simplifies the code, I still don't see how to get a base builder.


  • This can be achieved using the (experimental) @SuperBuilder annotation and lombok >= 1.18.4. You can customize the @SuperBuilder of Base by adding a method that takes a BValuesProvider as argument and sets all values from that:

    public abstract class Base {
        public static abstract class BaseBuilder<C extends Base, B extends BaseBuilder<C, B>> {
            public B fillFromProvider(BValuesProvider bv) {
                return self();

    Then you can use it like this (where bv is a BValuesProvider instance):

    C1 c1 = C1.builder().fillFromProvider(bv).c11(11).build();