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How does this SIPO Works?

I am making an UART transceiver, and In that for Receiver section, I need a SIPO to convert the serial data into parallel one, A web search threw out a code which does the required function, I am not able to understand how this particular code works, googling didn't help. I am grateful if someone can point out how this works

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity RXN_CNTRL is 
    reset : in std_logic;
    clk : in std_logic;
    din : in std_logic;
    dout : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end entity;

architecture behave of RXN_CNTRL is 
  signal s : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000" ;
  sipo : process (clk, reset)
    if (reset='1') then
      s <= "0000";
    elsif (rising_edge (clk)) then       
      s <= (din & s(3 downto 1));    
    end if;
  end process;

  dout <= s;

end architecture;

I am not able to understand how the line s <= (din & s(3 downto 1)); works. please clear me in this, I am new to vhdl and want to learn how this works. Thanks


  • In VHDL & is the concatenation operator. It is used to make bigger arrays from smaller arrays and single array elements by concatenating them, ie joining them together. So,

     s <= (din & s(3 downto 1));

    takes the single bit din and joins it to the leftmost 3 bits of s (s(3 downto 1)) to give a new value of s:

    din  s(3)  s(2)  s(1)

    So, you can see that s has been shifted one place to the right and the empty space has been filled with din - exactly the behaviour you'd want for a SIPO.

    In VHDL I would recommend always using the combination of concatenation and slicing (taking part of an array, like s(3 downto 1)) for implementing shift-registers and so on. The builtin operators (sla etc) behave in strange ways.