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trying to access Github issue comments using PyGithub library

I am trying to access issue comments using PyGithub library.

this is the function which I implemented,

    def get_issue_comments_dict(self, repository):
        get issue comments
        outputs reponame: issue title, issue url, comments
        Return type: dict 

        repo = self.user_obj.get_repo(repository)
        issues = repo.get_issues()
        issues_dict = {}
        i = 1
        for issue in issues:
            issue_dict = {}
            issue_dict['url'] = issue.url
            issue_dict['title'] = issue.title
            issue_dict['comments'] = [comment for comment in
            issues_dict[i] = issue_dict
            i += 1
        return issues_dict

and this is the error which I face.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 164, in get_issue_comments_dict
AttributeError: 'Issue' object has no attribute 'get_issue_comments'

What am I doing wrong here?


  • Okay, first of all, a Minimal Reproducible Example for your question is:

    import github
    gh = github.Github()
    repo = gh.get_repo('PyGithub/PyGithub')
    for issue in repo.get_issues():
        comments = issue.get_issue_comments()

    which results in:

    AttributeError: 'Issue' object has no attribute 'get_issue_comments'

    How to solve this?

    Python is literally telling you that the Issue object does not have a method (or any attribute, for that matter) called get_issue_comments. Apparently you're calling the wrong method.

    So how can you know which methods are available? I agree the documentation is (at the time of writing) quite limited. You have a number of other options:

    Using help()

    For any Python object (module, class, method, ...) that has a proper docstring, the built-in help() function is really very helpful ;-)

    issue = repo.get_issues()[0]

    This will print:

    Help on Issue in module github.Issue object:
    class Issue(github.GithubObject.CompletableGithubObject)
     |  Issue(requester, headers, attributes, completed)
     |  This class represents Issues. The reference can be found here
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      Issue
     |      github.GithubObject.CompletableGithubObject
     |      github.GithubObject.GithubObject
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  get_comments(self, since=NotSet)
     |      :calls: `GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments <>`_
     |      :param since: datetime.datetime format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
     |      :rtype: :class:`github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList` of :class:`github.IssueComment.IssueComment`

    As you can see, the class is well documented and apparently it contains a method 'get_comments', which you can use.

    Using dir()

    You can also see which attributes (such as methods) an object contains, using the built-in function dir():

    issue = repo.get_issues()[0]
    print(dir(issue))  # in an interactive shell you don't have to print()

    This will print:

    ['CHECK_AFTER_INIT_FLAG', '_CompletableGithubObject__complete', '_CompletableGithubObject__completed', '_GithubObject__makeSimpleAttribute', '_GithubObject__makeSimpleListAttribute', '_GithubObject__makeTransformedAttribute', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_assignee', '_assignees', '_body', '_closed_at', '_closed_by', '_comments', '_comments_url', '_completeIfNeeded', '_completeIfNotSet', '_created_at', '_events_url', '_headers', '_html_url', '_id', '_identity', '_initAttributes', '_labels', '_labels_url', '_locked', '_makeBoolAttribute', '_makeClassAttribute', '_makeDatetimeAttribute', '_makeDictAttribute', '_makeDictOfStringsToClassesAttribute', '_makeIntAttribute', '_makeListOfClassesAttribute', '_makeListOfDictsAttribute', '_makeListOfIntsAttribute', '_makeListOfListOfStringsAttribute', '_makeListOfStringsAttribute', '_makeStringAttribute', '_makeTimestampAttribute', '_milestone', '_number', '_parentUrl', '_pull_request', '_rawData', '_repository', '_requester', '_state', '_storeAndUseAttributes', '_title', '_updated_at', '_url', '_useAttributes', '_user', 'active_lock_reason', 'add_to_assignees', 'add_to_labels', 'as_pull_request', 'assignee', 'assignees', 'body', 'closed_at', 'closed_by', 'comments', 'comments_url', 'create_comment', 'create_reaction', 'created_at', 'delete_labels', 'edit', 'etag', 'events_url', 'get__repr__', 'get_comment', 'get_comments', 'get_events', 'get_labels', 'get_reactions', 'html_url', 'id', 'labels', 'labels_url', 'last_modified', 'lock', 'locked', 'milestone', 'number', 'pull_request', 'raw_data', 'raw_headers', 'remove_from_assignees', 'remove_from_labels', 'repository', 'setCheckAfterInitFlag', 'set_labels', 'state', 'title', 'unlock', 'update', 'updated_at', 'url', 'user']

    Here you will also see that it does not include a name 'get_issue_comments', but that it does contain a name 'get_comments'.


    Change the following line:

    issue_dict['comments'] = [comment for comment in issue.get_issue_comments()]


    issue_dict['comments'] = [comment for comment in issue.get_comments()]