Search code examples

Report where id

I'm having trouble printing data based on ID, error :

Too few arguments to function M_order::cetak_db_order(), 0 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs.......\Order.php on line 162 and exactly 1 expected

submit id

<td class="text-center"><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>backend/order/cetak_order/<?php echo $m->id_service; ?>" class="btn bg-navy btn-flat margin">Detail order</a></td>

Model code

 public function cetak_db_order($id){
        SELECT id_service,kd_cs,nama_cs,reciver_name,tanggal,status,nama_kecamatan AS tujuan, nama_kabupaten AS asal 
        FROM service s
        INNER JOIN customers c ON s.id_cs=c.id_cs 
        INNER JOIN kabupaten k ON s.id_origin=k.id_kab 
        INNER JOIN kecamatan p ON p.id_kec=s.id_destination WHERE id_service='$id'");
    return $hasil->result();

Controller code

public function cetak_order(){
    $pdf = new FPDF('l','mm','A5');

    $cetakorder = $this->M_order->cetak_db_order();
    foreach ($cetakorder as $row){


  • You are passing $m->id_service from the anchor Tag in HTML. But you are not using it anywhere in the PHP.

    You need to update your cetak_order function like below:

    public function cetak_order( $id ){
    $cetakorder = $this->M_order->cetak_db_order( $id );

    Also you need to make sure to pass $id to cetak_order method from wherever you are calling it, unless it is passed automatically by your router.