Consider a customer care center which receives calls from customers, Starttime and Endtime denotes the conversation start time and end time. Missed calls are the calls where no conversation happened. For any missed call, the customer care returns the call.
For below given table,
CREATE TABLE CustomerCare (fromnumber INT, tonumber INT, starttime DATETIME,endtime DATETIME)
INSERT INTO CustomerCare (fromnumber,tonumber,starttime,endtime)
(100,1800,'2019-08-13 18:40:00','2019-08-13 18:40:00'),
(1800,100,'2019-08-13 18:55:00','2019-08-13 18:57:00'),
(200,1800,'2019-08-13 19:30:00','2019-08-13 19:30:00'),
(1800,200,'2019-08-13 20:05:00','2019-08-13 20:10:00'),
(300,1800,'2019-08-13 21:00:00','2019-08-13 21:00:00'),
(1800,300,'2019-08-13 21:20:00','2019-08-13 21:25:00'),
(400,1800,'2019-08-13 07:00:00','2019-08-13 07:00:00'),
(500,1800,'2019-08-13 8:00:00','2019-08-13 8:05:00')
Find the number of return calls that were done by customer care within 30 minutes of the missed call.
Fourth row indicates one such return call.
Can anyone help a SQL query.
first you find the missed call, then you find the call back by customercare. And you find the time different
select *
from CustomerCare mc
cross apply -- get call back time
select top 1 *
from CustomerCare x
where x.fromnumber = mc.tonumber
and x.tonumber = mc.fromnumber
and x.starttime > mc.starttime
order by x.starttime
) cb
where mc.starttime = mc.endtime -- missed call
and datediff(minute, mc.starttime, cb.starttime) > 30 -- time different between
-- missed call and callback