I have been trying to implement the square non-linearity activation function function as a custom activation function for a keras model. It's the 10'th function on this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activation_function.
I tried using the keras backend but i got nowhere with the multiple if else statements i require so i also tried using the following:
import tensorflow as tf
def square_nonlin(x):
orig = x
x = tf.where(orig >2.0, (tf.ones_like(x)) , x)
x = tf.where(0.0 <= orig <=2.0, (x - tf.math.square(x)/4), x)
x = tf.where(-2.0 <= orig < 0, (x + tf.math.square(x)/4), x)
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, -1, x)
As you can see there's 4 different clauses i need to evaluate. But when i try to compile the Keras model i still get the error:
Using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed
Could anyone help me to get this working in Keras? Thanks a lot.
I've just started a week ago digging into tensorflow and am actively playing around with different activation functions. I think I know what two of your problems are. In your second and third assignments you have compound conditionals you need to put them in under tf.logical_and
. The other problem you have is that the last tf.where
on the return line returns a -1
which is not a vector, which tensorflow expects. I haven't tried the function with Keras, but in my "activation function" tester this code works.
def square_nonlin(x):
orig = x
x = tf.where(orig >2.0, (tf.ones_like(x)) , x)
x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(0.0 <= orig, orig <=2.0), (x - tf.math.square(x)/4.), x)
x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(-2.0 <= orig, orig < 0), (x + tf.math.square(x)/4.), x)
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, 0*x-1.0, x)
As I said I'm new at this so to "vectorize" -1
, I multiplied the x
vector by 0
and subtracted -1
which produces a array filled with -1
of the right shape. Perhaps one of the more seasoned tensorflow practioners can suggest the proper way to do that.
Hope this helps.
BTW, tf.greater
is equivlent to tf.__gt__
which means that orig > 2.0
expands under the covers in python to tf.greater(orig, 2.0)
Just a follow up. I tried it with the MNIST demo in Keras and the activation function works as coded above.
The less hacky way to "vectorize" -1
is to use the tf.ones_like
so replace the last line with
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, -tf.ones_like(x), x)
for a cleaner solution