I want to write topic lists to check whether a review talks about one of the defined topics. It's important for me to write the topic lists myself and not use topic modeling to find possible topics.
I thought this is called dictionary analysis, but I can't find anything.
I have a data frame with reviews from amazon:
df = pd.DataFrame({'User': ['UserA', 'UserB','UserC'],
'text': ['Example text where he talks about a phone and his charging cable',
'Example text where he talks about a car with some wheels',
'Example text where he talks about a plane']})
Now I want to define topic lists:
phone = ['phone', 'cable', 'charge', 'charging', 'call', 'telephone']
car = ['car', 'wheel','steering', 'seat','roof','other car related words']
plane = ['plane', 'wings', 'turbine', 'fly']
The result of the method should be 3/12 for the "phone" topic of the first review (3 words of the topic list where in the review which has 12 words) and 0 for the other two topics.
The second review would result in 2/11 for the "car" topic and 0 for the other topics and for the third review 1/8 for the "plane" topic and 0 for the others.
Results as a list:
phone_results = [0.25, 0, 0]
car_results = [0, 0.18181818182, 0]
plane_results = [0, 0, 0.125]
Of course I would only use lowercase wordstems of the reviews which makes defining topics easier, but this should not be of concern now.
Is there a method for this or do I have to write one? Thank you in advance!
NLP can be quite deep, but for something about the ratio of known words, you could probably do something more basic. For example:
word_map = {
'phone': ['phone', 'cable', 'charge', 'charging', 'call', 'telephone'],
'car': ['car', 'wheels','steering', 'seat','roof','other car related words'],
'plane': ['plane', 'wings', 'turbine', 'fly']
sentences = [
'Example text where he talks about a phone and his charging cable',
'Example text where he talks about a car with some wheels',
'Example text where he talks about a plane'
for sentence in sentences:
print '==== %s ==== ' % sentence
words = sentence.split()
for prefix in word_map:
match_score = 0
for word in words:
if word in word_map[prefix]:
match_score += 1
print 'Prefix: %s | MatchScore: %.2fs' % (prefix, float(match_score)/len(words))
And you'd get something like this:
==== Example text where he talks about a phone and his charging cable ====
Prefix: phone | MatchScore: 0.25s
Prefix: plane | MatchScore: 0.00s
Prefix: car | MatchScore: 0.00s
==== Example text where he talks about a car with some wheels ====
Prefix: phone | MatchScore: 0.00s
Prefix: plane | MatchScore: 0.00s
Prefix: car | MatchScore: 0.18s
==== Example text where he talks about a plane ====
Prefix: phone | MatchScore: 0.00s
Prefix: plane | MatchScore: 0.12s
Prefix: car | MatchScore: 0.00s
This is a basic example of course, and words sometimes don't end in spaces -- it could be commas, periods, etc. So you'd want to take that into account. And also the tense I can "phone" someone or "phoned", or "phoning", but also we wouldn't want a word such as "phonetic" to get mixed up. So it gets pretty tricky on edge cases, but for a very basic working(!) example, I would see if you can do it in python without using a natural language library. And eventually, if it doesn't meet your use case, you can start testing them out.
Beyond that you can look at something like Rasa NLU or nltk.