I am trying to refactor some code. My approach (using vi) is to copy my old libraries from /lib to /lib2. That way I can hack out big sections, but still have a framework to refactor.
So I go ahead and change mymain.p6 header from use lib '../lib';
to use lib '../lib2';
. Then I delete a chunk of the lines in ../lib2/mylibrary.pm6
and make darn sure :w is doing what I expect.
Imagine my surprise when my program still works perfectly despite having been largely deleted. It even works when I rm -R /lib, so nothing back there is persisting.
Is there a chance that I have a precomp of the old lib module lying around? If so, how can I flush it?
This is Rakudo Star version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.03 implementing Perl 6.d.
Precompiled modules are stored in the precomp directory. You can try to rename or delete the ~/.precomp
See also this SO question here.