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How to check Boolean for null?

I want to add a null check to my ternary operator which checks on a Boolean isValue:

public String getValue() {
    return isValue ? "T" : "F";

My task is:

What if the Boolean(object) return null? Add a boolean check and return "" (empty String in case if its null).

Note that isValue is a Boolean, not boolean.


  • A terniary operator has the following syntax:

    result = expression ? trueValue : falseValue;

    Where trueValue is returned when the expression evaluates to true and falseValue when it doesn't.

    If you want to add a null check such that when a Boolean isValue is null then the method returns "", it isn't very readable with a terniary operator:

    String getValue() {
        return isValue == null ? "" : (isValue ? "T" : "F");

    A statement like that could be better expressed with if statements. The body of the method would become

    final String result;
    if (isValue == null) {
        result = "";
    } else if (isValue) {
        result = "T";
    } else {
        result = "F";
    return result;