I have defined a multiple function before and i want to call it within another multiple function by Mathematica software.
You must decide what is known ahead of time and what is known only
when the function h
is called. For example, you propose
f[a_,b_] := a+b*a^2
g[c_,d_] := (c/d)+d*5
h[x_,y_] := x[a,b] +y[c,d]
This only makes sens if {a,b,c,d}
are known outside of the functions.
That may simply be the opposite of what you want.
That is, you may want to define h
in terms of known functions
but unknown parameter values. E.g.,
f[a_,b_] := a+b*a^2
g[c_,d_] := (c/d)+d*5
h[a_,b_,c_,d_] := f[a,b] +g[c,d]
Finally, you may want to define h
in terms of unknown functions
as well as unknown parameter values. E.g.,
h[a_,b_,c_,d_,f1_,f2_] := f1[a,b] + f2[c,d]