As described by the question, I would somehow try to get an handle to a fact within a deffacts construct. The problem arises because I don't want to redefine the same thing several times in WM (since set-fact-duplication is true) and because I use a structured deftemplate in which a field is a FACT_ADDRESS.
You can't bind a fact address within a deffacts construct. What I would suggest instead is to use a symbolic link between the facts. In your case, if the name of the tourism-type, tourism-resort, and hotel facts is unique among facts of each type, you could use that slot as the symbolic link:
(deftemplate tourism-type
(slot name)
(slot score))
(deftemplate hotel
(slot name)
(slot tr)
(slot stars)
(slot price-per-night))
(deftemplate tourism-resort
(slot name)
(slot region)
(multislot type))
(deffacts the-tourism-type-list
(tourism-type (name culturale) (score 3))
(tourism-type (name enogastronomico) (score 4)))
(deffacts the-tourism-resort-list
(name Venezia)
(region Veneto)
(type culturale enogastronomico)))
(deffacts the-hotels-list
(name hotel1)
(tr Venezia)
(stars 3)
(price-per-night 100)))
In your rules, you can then use the symbolic link to retrieve the linked fact:
(defrule food-and-wine-hotels
(hotel (name ?hotel)
(tr ?tr-name))
(name ?tr-name)
(type $? enogastronomico $?))
(printout t ?hotel crlf))