I'm working with Django in order to create a website. I have an function which send e-mail message that is called with a button in the HTML file. I would like to insert a python variable to the HTML code inside of the python function:
import smtplib, ssl, getpass
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
def mailfunctionejex(receiver_email, subject, message, passwordtest):
port = 465
smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
sender_email = 'senderg@gmail.com'
failcounter = 0
#MIME parameters
mailmessage = MIMEMultipart()
mailmessage['Subject'] = subject
mailmessage['From'] = sender_email
mailmessage['To'] = receiver_email
mailmessage['Bcc'] = receiver_email
#Message content
html = '''\
Good morning, the user {sender_email} has send you a message: \n
{message} #I would to insert in {} the variable sender_email and #message
htmlpart = MIMEText(html, 'html')
This is just a string like any other one, so this should do (I added an f before the string to tell Python it's a format string):
html = f'''\
Good morning, the user {sender_email} has send you a message: \n
If this doesn't work, you can go the old way:
html = 'Good morning, the user'+ sender_email+ 'has send you a message: \n'