I have a problem and I'm pulling my hair out over it.
I have a vertical nav menu which lists a taxonomy's terms and child terms.
The child terms all own a set of posts.
Upon visiting a single-post page, the menu defaults to top level and doesn't recognize that the single post is a child of any menu item. (i.e. belongs to a tax term in the menu)
Does anyone know how to have a wordpress nav menu recognize when the single post currently being displayed is a child of a term in the menu?
These pics should clarify:
Here I'm viewing gallery of items for term "filigree" child-term "rings"
After Clicking on a single ring, the menu retracts to default and no highlight to show current state
Note that "our products" is always bold and not part of the menu. (don't get me started on that)
I found a work around to solve this, thought I'd post it in case it's useful to anobody else out there. Here is my code:
$terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'products');
if( is_single() ){ ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('.menu').find(":contains('<?php echo $terms[1]->name; ?>')").show().addClass('current-menu-item');
Note that 'products' is a taxonomy name and the jQuery selector simply parses my <ul>
of menu items, finds a child element containing the target term and adds the class which wordpress uses to mark the current menu item 'current-menu-item'