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How to save Firebase dataSnapshot object and key into Kotlin DTO data class?

The objective: Update Firebase realTime database from an Android device.

My data structure simplified:

enter image description here

My Data Class TasksDTO.kt:

data class TasksDTO(var customer : String ="", var date : String ="", var location : String ="", var key : String="") { 


I've added an addValueEventListener under onCreate:

 private var allTasks = ArrayList<TasksDTO>()//Used to update recyclerView. 
 reference.child("tasks").addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener {
    override fun onCancelled...

    override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
        val children = dataSnapshot.children

        children.forEach {

            var taskObj = it.getValue()//without key: it.getValue(
            var task = TasksDTO()

                customer = taskObj.customer //**ERROR: Unresolved reference**
                date = //**ERROR: Unresolved reference**
                location = taskObj.location //**ERROR: Unresolved reference**
                key = it.key!!





I want to be able to update firebase data in the onclick item listener function of the recyclerView. To do that I need to have reference to the key to update the database. Unless there is a more efficient method. I'm open to correction.

Thanks for the help!


  • A HashMap stores key, value pairs which can be referenced unlike an object from a database.

    var taskObj = it.getValue() as HashMap<*, *>
                        var task = TasksDTO()
                            customer = taskObj ["customer"].toString()
                            key = it.key.toString()
                            date = taskObj ["date"].toString()
                            location = taskObj ["location"].toString()

    Credit goes to Doug Stevenson see OP's comments.