In my Sapper App I want to preload from Prismic API using their SDK ('prismic-javascript)
I followed the docs for preloading content. Yet the docs only provide the preloading through the this.fetch function. I want to connect to my Prismic repository with the Prismic SDK. But it doesn't give me back any data at all.
I also tried the this.fetch method with JSONplaceholder. That just works fine. Even requiring the Prismic-SDK the "old way" doesn't work:
var Prismic = require("prismic-javascript")
So this is what my code looks like:
<script context="module">
import Prismic from "prismic-javascript";
const apiEndpoint = "";
export async function preload(page, session) {
const api = await Prismic.getApi(apiEndpoint, { req });
const data = await api.getSingle("portfolio");
return { data };
This code should populate the data variable with the API-data. But it doesn't. Is there anyone who could help me out here? Thanks!
This one works if you don't need the req object from Prismic:
import Prismic from "prismic-javascript";
const apiEndpoint = "";
export async function preload({ params, query }) {
const api = await Prismic.getApi(apiEndpoint);
const data = await api.getSingle("portfolio");
return { data };