I have this AppModule
class that contains three functions:
static FirebaseFirestore provideFirebaseFirestore() {
return FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
static CollectionReference provideUsersCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("users");
static CollectionReference provideBarsCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("bars");
I've read that I can use some kind of naming but I didn't find any way to solve this. Beside that, how can I differentiate in my fragment code which one of those reference I inject? Thanks in advance.
BarsDataSource(CollectionReference barsRef) {
this.barsRef= barsRef;
That's correct. There is no way for dagger2 to decide which one to provide, right ?
A possible solution is the usage of the @Named
annotation. You will have to name them also at @Inject. EG.
static CollectionReference provideUsersCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("users");
static CollectionReference provideBarsCollRef(FirebaseFirestore db) {
return db.collection("bars");
public CollectionReference bars;
or with constructor injection
BarsDataSource(@Named("bars") CollectionReference barsRef) {
this.barsRef= barsRef;