I'm trying to push to my github account from Intellij. Everything is working correctly. However, when I go from the browser into Github, instead of my github username the name "DontNeedGithubAccount" is being shown for the commits. I'm surprised that Google only has a few entries when searching for "DontNeedGithubAccount" but none of them are even remotely helpful.
Thanks to Ped7g, I figured it out: In your git config (.git/Config), you need to add
name = github_username
email = github_email@example.com
You can also achieve this by doing (use --local for current or --global for all repos)
git config --local user.name github_username
git config --local user.email github_email@example.com
The username must match the one on Github. If you additionally provide the same email you can click on your username and get to your account.