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Apply diff() to pandas multiindex level?

I have a dataframe

                   A     B  
Date      Price    
2019-8-1  1000     1.1   0.0
          1500     2.3   2.2
          2200     4.5   0.5
          3100     4.4   0.9
2019-8-2  1100     2.2   1.2
          1400     2.5   1.3
          2200     0.9   1.6
          3500     1.1   0.1

I need to get a third column 'C', that will be a diff() from level=1 (Price) in multiindex:

                   A     B      C
Date      Price    
2019-8-1  1000     1.1   0.0    NaN
          1500     2.3   2.2    500
          2200     4.5   0.5    700
          3100     4.4   0.9    900
2019-8-2  1100     2.2   1.2    NaN
          1400     2.5   1.3    300
          2200     0.9   1.6    800
          3500     1.1   0.1   1300

I tried to use groupby(level=0), but I can't figure out how then to aply diff() to the multiindex level.



  • Create new MultiIndex Series with Index.to_series and seelct second values of tuples by str[1] and then use DataFrameGroupBy.diff:

    df['C'] = df.index.to_series().str[1].groupby(level=0).diff()

    Or crete new column by DataFrame.assign and Index.get_level_values:

    df['C'] = df.assign(P=df.index.get_level_values(1)).groupby(level=0)['P'].diff()

    print (df)
                      A    B       C
    Date     Price                  
    2019-8-1 1000   1.1  0.0     NaN
             1500   2.3  2.2   500.0
             2200   4.5  0.5   700.0
             3100   4.4  0.9   900.0
    2019-8-2 1100   2.2  1.2     NaN
             1400   2.5  1.3   300.0
             2200   0.9  1.6   800.0
             3500   1.1  0.1  1300.0


    print (df.index.to_series())
    Date      Price
    2019-8-1  1000     (2019-8-1, 1000)
              1500     (2019-8-1, 1500)
              2200     (2019-8-1, 2200)
              3100     (2019-8-1, 3100)
    2019-8-2  1100     (2019-8-2, 1100)
              1400     (2019-8-2, 1400)
              2200     (2019-8-2, 2200)
              3500     (2019-8-2, 3500)
    print (df.index.to_series().str[1])
    Date      Price
    2019-8-1  1000     1000
              1500     1500
              2200     2200
              3100     3100
    2019-8-2  1100     1100
              1400     1400
              2200     2200
              3500     3500
    dtype: int64

    print (df.assign(P=df.index.get_level_values(1)))
                      A    B     P
    Date     Price                
    2019-8-1 1000   1.1  0.0  1000
             1500   2.3  2.2  1500
             2200   4.5  0.5  2200
             3100   4.4  0.9  3100
    2019-8-2 1100   2.2  1.2  1100
             1400   2.5  1.3  1400
             2200   0.9  1.6  2200
             3500   1.1  0.1  3500


    Another solution from comments:
