I have a custom post type "project" with a taxonomy "taxoproject"and I have a template page "template-project.php" with a query loop to display my post.
In this loop I need to display each category associated with the post.
This is my code :
$terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'taxoproject');
foreach($terms as $term) { ?>
<?php echo $term->name; ?>
<?php }
My code works perfectly with one exception, I wish to display only the children of a specific parent of this taxonomy (id 76) and I do not know how to proceed.
Thanks for your help
I found the solution to my problem :
$taxonomy = 'taxoproject'; // Taxonomy slug.
$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
$children = '';
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
if( $term -> parent == 76 ) { // Parent ID
$children = $term->name; ?>
<li><?php echo $children; ?></li>
<?php }
Thank you all for the help !