I have a Xamarin.Forms project that uses Prism, and the number of Views and View Models is growing unwieldy.
In web projects I usually use Feature Folders, grouping relevant code together, e.g.:
I'd like to do the same thing in the Xamarin.Forms project, but I don't know how to configure Prism to look for Views and View Models in these locations instead of the Views
and ViewModels
You can either manually register view models for views or modify the convention that the ViewModelLocator
uses to find the view model for a view.
An example can be found here, although this just replicates the original convention, it shows where to start with your modification:
ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewTypeToViewModelTypeResolver( viewType => viewModelType );
Also, this blog post describes how to change the convention to find view models that reside besides the view in the same folder:
ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewTypeToViewModelTypeResolver((viewType) =>
var viewName = viewType.FullName;
var viewAssemblyName = viewType.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName;
var viewModelName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, “{0}ViewModel, {1}”, viewName, viewAssemblyName);
return Type.GetType(viewModelName);