I'm using ngrx effects to fetch data from an API. I've tried different combination of rxjs operators to achieve this. Currently using groupBy operator to acheive the following
API data:
projects = [{id: 1, name: project1, department: dept1, instance_count: 3},
{id: 2, name: project2, department: dept2, instance_count: 6},
{id: 3, name: project3, department: dept1, instance_count: 1},
{id: 1, name: project1, department: dept1, instance_count: 8}]
I have option to filter based on department. So the output when 'dept1' is selected should be
filteredProjects = [{id: 1, name: project1, department: dept1, instance_count: 11 }, {id: 3, name: project3, department: dept1, instance_count: 1}]
I've tried to use groupBy to group the data based on 'id' or 'department' and then apply filter and add the counts of the grouped data.
this.projects$: Observable<Project[]> = this._store.select(state => state.projects.allProjects)
.map((projects: Project[]) => projects);
project => project.id)
I'm not able to get the groupBy and mergeMap working. Most of the examples I saw doesn't use pipe operator. This was throwing error ' Property 'id' does not exist on type 'Project[]'.
If i understand your desired output correctly, you can apply parts of this snippet to get what you want:
test = [{id: 1, name: 'project1', department: 'dept1', instance_count: 3},
{id: 2, name: 'project2', department: 'dept2', instance_count: 6},
{id: 3, name: 'project3', department: 'dept1', instance_count: 1},
{id: 1, name: 'project1', department: 'dept1', instance_count: 8}];
constructor() {
from(this.test).pipe(filter(a => a['department'] == 'dept1'), toArray()).subscribe(console.log);
console logged will be an array containing only the entries where department == 'dept1'
EDIT1: (response to question: I need to apply groupBy based on ‘id’ after filtering)
Using this snippet will give you two arrays of grouped results:
from(this.test).pipe(filter(a => a['department'] == 'dept1'), groupBy(a => a.id), mergeMap(a => a.pipe(toArray()))).subscribe(console.log);