I have a screen in my app with an image as the background, this image is on my asset folder. When I navigate to this screen the background is blank for an instant and then the image is loaded and it appears. This makes my screen look weird for a half a second or less, but enough for the user to notice.
I wanted to be able to only navigate to that screen once the image is loaded (I can wait on the previous screen), so I can avoid this behavior and have the screen as a whole when the user navigates there.
I know can make the image fade in, but that's not the experience that I want.
You need to use ImageProvider.resolve method
So suppose you have some image registered in you assets. Then you may obtain the image provider as
_imageProvider = Image.asset("your_asset").image
Then you may add such method:
import 'dart:ui';
Image _image;
bool _resolved;
void _resolveImageProvider() {
ImageStream stream = _imageProvider.resolve(createLocalImageConfiguration(context));
stream.addListener(ImageStreamListener((info, _) {
setState(() {
//here you may set some flags or anything which indicates the image is in memory now.
_resolved = true;
_image = info.image;
Then you can call this method on the "previous screen", wait till the listener is triggered and only then navigate to the next view.