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How to convert DynamicImage to Base64?

I can convert a Base64 string to a DynamicImage using the image and base64 crates but I can not convert the image back to a Base64 string.

What I am doing wrong here? How to achieve this?

extern crate base64;
extern crate image;

fn main() {
    Base64 to image
        let img_buffer = base64::decode("qwerty...").unwrap();
        let mut base_img = image::load_from_memory(img_buffer.as_slice()).unwrap();


    let mut base_img = image::open("player.png").unwrap();



    // image to Base64
    let res_base64 = base64::encode(base_img.raw_pixels().as_slice());

    println!("{}", res_base64)

Base64 value of original image


Base64 value of Gimp inverted image


The response I am getting not the proper Base64 value:



  • The Base64 values of the original and Gimp images represent PNG-encoded images. The response you're getting represents raw pixel data. You will need to convert the data to PNG before encoding as Base64. This should do it:

    let mut buf = vec![[]];
    base_img.write_to(&mut buf, image::ImageOutputFormat::PNG);
    let res_base64 = base64::encode(&buf);