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Python - AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'rank'

I'm working on different Project Euler problems through writing code on my own and watching Youtube videos.

While working on problem 54, the code that the author of the Youtube video wrote while defining a function in Python 2.7 is

def __init__(self, *args): = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank)
    self.duplicates = {}
    for card in
        if card.rank in self.duplicates:
        _duplicates = 0
        for card2 in
            if card.rank == card2.rank:
                _duplicates += 1
        self.duplicates[card.rank] = _duplicates

which seems to work fine for him. When I run this code on Python 3.0, my Pycharm compiler returns

File "C:/Users/Matthew/PycharmProjects/Project_Euler/", line 51, in __init__ = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank)
  File "C:/Users/Matthew/PycharmProjects/Project_Euler/", line 51, in <lambda> = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'rank'

I have tried changing = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank)

to = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank())

but this appears to be an incorrect fix. I'm not sure how to resolve this error on my own. I could look into writing a different solution, as the strategy shown by the author of the video wasn't friendly to a beginner. The full program is pasted below (I'm not sure if I should include this as I'm not formally looking for a code review. I'm trying to get the program to run so that I can complete the exercise).

import time
from collections import namedtuple

start = time.time()

Card = namedtuple('Card', ['rank', 'suit'])

Ace = 14
King = 13
Queen = 12
Jack = 11
Ten = 10

def map_rank(rank_to_map):
    if rank_to_map == 'A':
        return Ace
    if rank_to_map == 'K':
        return King
    if rank_to_map == 'Q':
        return Queen
    if rank_to_map == 'J':
        return Jack
    if rank_to_map == 'T':
        return Ten
    return int(rank_to_map)

def map_suit(suit_to_map):
    if suit_to_map == 'H':
        return 1
    if suit_to_map == 'D':
        return 2
    if suit_to_map == 'C':
        return 3
    # S = Spades
    return 4

def map_card(card_to_map):
    return Card(rank=map_rank(card_to_map[0]), suit=map_suit(card_to_map[1]))

class Hand(object):

    def __init__(self, *args): = sorted(args, key=lambda c: -c.rank)
        self.duplicates = {}
        for card in
            if card.rank in self.duplicates:
            _duplicates = 0
            for card2 in
                if card.rank == card2.rank:
                    _duplicates += 1
            self.duplicates[card.rank] = _duplicates

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        for rule in self.rules():
            rule = getattr(self, rule)
            val = rule(other)
            if val:
                return val

    def rules(self):
        return []

    def _straight(self):
        last_card_rank = False
        for card in
            if last_card_rank and last_card_rank != card.rank + 1:
                return False
            last_card_rank = card.rank
        return True

    def _flush(self):
        last_card_suit = False
        for card in
            if last_card_suit and last_card_suit != card.suit:
                return False
            last_card_suit = card.suit
        return True

    def _duplicate_count(self, c):
        for rank, value in self.duplicates.items():
            if value == c:
                yield rank

class PokerHand(Hand):
    def rules(self):
        rules = super(PokerHand, self).rules()
        return rules

    def royal_flush(self, other):
        h1 =[0].rank == Ace and self._flush() and self._straight()
        h2 =[0].rank == Ace and other._flush() and other._straight()
        if h1 and not h2:
            return 1
        if h2 and not h1:
            return -1
        if h1 and h2:
            return 0

    def straight_flush(self, other):
        h1 = self._flush() and self._straight()
        h2 = other._flush() and other._straight()
        if h1 and not h2:
            return 1
        if h2 and not h1:
            return -1
        if h1 and h2:
            return self.highest_card(other)

    def four_of_a_kind(self, other):
        return self._of_a_kind(other, 4)

    def three_of_a_kind(self, other):
        return self._of_a_kind(other, 3)

    def _of_a_kind(self, other, value):
        h1 = [r for r in self._duplicate_count(value)]
        h2 = [r for r in other._duplicate_count(value)]
        if len(h1) > len(h2):
            return 1
        if len(h2) > len(h1):
            return -1
        for h1_c, h2_c in zip(h1, h2):
            if h1_c > h2_c:
                return 1
            if h2_c > h1_c:
                return -1

    def two_pair(self, other):
        return self._of_a_kind(other, 2)

    def full_house(self, other):
        h1_3 = [r for r in self._duplicate_count(3)]
        h2_3 = [r for r in other._duplicate_count(3)]
        h1_2 = [r for r in self._duplicate_count(2)]
        h2_2 = [r for r in other._duplicate_count(2)]
        if h1_3 and h1_2 and not (h2_3 and h2_2):
            return 1
        if h2_3 and h2_2 and not (h1_3 and h1_2):
            return -1
        if h1_3 and h1_2 and h2_3 and h2_2:
            for h1_c, h2_c in zip(h1_3, h2_3):
                if h1_c > h2_c:
                    return 1
                if h2_c > h1_c:
                    return -1
            for h1_c, h2_c in zip(h1_2, h2_2):
                if h1_c > h2_c:
                    return 1
                if h2_c > h1_c:
                    return -1

    def flush(self, other):
        h1 = self._flush
        h2 = other._flush
        if h1 and not h2:
            return 1
        if h2 and not h1:
            return -1
        if h1 and h2:
            return self.highest_card(other)

    def straight(self, other):
        h1 = self._straight
        h2 = other._straight
        if h1 and not h2:
            return 1
        if h2 and not h1:
            return -1
        if h1 and h2:
            return self.highest_card(other)

    def highest_card(self, other):
        for c1,c2 in zip(,
            if c1.rank != c2.rank:
                return 1 if c1.rank > c2.rank else -1
        raise Exception("tie in highest_card")

def gen_hands(s):
    cards = [map_card for c in s.split(' ')]
    return PokerHand(*cards[0:5]), PokerHand(*cards[5:])

p1_wins = 0
with open('poker.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        h1, h2 = gen_hands(line.strip())
        if h1 > h2:
            p1_wins += 1

The program won't run as pasted without adding the poker.txt file provided here. Please let me know if it was a mistake to create a post for this sort of attribute error on SE. I wasn't sure if I should post code for Project Euler on this site.


  • On line 195,

    cards = [map_card for c in s.split(' ')]


    def gen_hands(s):
            cards = [map_card for c in s.split(' ')]
            return PokerHand(*cards[0:5]), PokerHand(*cards[5:])

    generates a list containing a large amount of references to the map_card function. This was mistakenly written as map_card instead of map_card(c). It should be

    def gen_hands(s):
        cards = [map_card(c) for c in s.split(' ')]
        return PokerHand(*cards[0:5]), PokerHand(*cards[5:])